Jobs for Americans: The Importance of a Strong Border in Securing Entry-Level Employment

Jobs for Americans: The Importance of a Strong Border in Securing Entry-Level Employment
Photo by Greg Bulla / Unsplash

As the national debate over immigration continues, it is important to remember that one of the key goals of our immigration system should be to support American citizens first. One way to do this is by ensuring that entry-level jobs are filled by American citizens.

A strong border is a critical component of this effort. By controlling our borders and enforcing immigration laws, we can help to ensure that jobs that would otherwise go to illegal immigrants are instead filled by American citizens. This includes jobs that are often considered to be "entry-level", such as those in the construction, agriculture, and hospitality industries.

The argument is that when illegal immigrants take jobs that would otherwise go to American citizens, it can have a negative impact on wages and working conditions. It can also make it harder for American citizens to find work, particularly in industries that are heavily reliant on immigrant labor. This is particularly true for lower-skilled workers who may lack the education or experience to compete for higher-paying jobs.

It is important to note that this is not an anti-immigrant stance, but a pro-citizen stance, as a proper functioning immigration system that follows the laws and regulations can also benefit the economy and society. A strong border and proper immigration control can help to ensure that jobs are filled by those who are legally entitled to work in the United States. This includes not only American citizens but also legal immigrants who have followed the proper channels to enter the country.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize that immigration is a complex issue and that there are many factors that contribute to the problem of illegal immigration. A strong border alone will not solve all of these issues, but it is a critical first step in protecting the rights and opportunities of American citizens.

In conclusion, as a nation, it is important to support American citizens first by asking for a strong border so that entry-level jobs are filled by American citizens. This will help to ensure that American workers have access to good-paying jobs and that our economy remains strong.